Annual Town Meeting
Warwick’s annual Town Meeting was held in the Court House ballroom on 9th May, with Unlocking Warwick among the local organisations reporting on their activities over the past 12 months.
The event is a chance for beneficiaries of Town Council grants to report on how the money has been spent, and for members of the public to discover what the council is doing to improve the quality of life in Warwick.
Unlocking Warwick Secretary, Rick Thompson, briefly outlined the major project of the year – the Warwick War Memorial research and the launch of the special website featuring the stories of the 358 Warwick Fallen with other information and pictures about Warwick during the Great War. The creation of the website was made possible by a small community grant from the Town Council.
He also summarised the volunteer group’s other activities in a very busy year, including the very popular ‘In the Ballroom’ monthly social gathering, the monthly Tea and Dance Lessons in the ballroom, help in the Visitor Information Centre, the Court House Tours, the long-term What’s On in Warwick, and and Unlocking Warwick’s special events.
After the presentations by councillors and local groups there was a chance to talk and make useful contacts. Unlocking Warwick was also represented by our Chair, Karen Parker, who was able to answer questions about our activities in the coming months.