Another Sunshine Tour

Once again the sun shone for our Court House Tour on the first Saturday in August. So far this season the weather has been perfect for our tours on selected Saturdays.

Sue Rigby, the Unlocking Warwick guide,  explaining how the Grade-1 listed Court House was constructed after the Great Fire of Warwick, and how the administration of the county town has been conducted on this site at the central crossroads for 450 years. 

The guests on the tour included a couple visiting from Northern Ireland, and a couple who had recently moved to Warwick and were very interested to hear some of its long history dating back to Saxon times. 

The guests were able to see the Town Council Chamber and the Regency ballroom on the first floor of the building, and pictures of the famous Warwick Pageant held in 1906, which raised enough money for the corporation to be able to buy the house next door and the garden behind the Court House, renaming them Pageant House and Pageant Gardens.  

The next free Court House Tour will be between 11am and 11.45am on Saturday 28th August during the Bank Holiday weekend. If you would like to come along, please register at the Visitor Information Centre, or call them on 01926 492212.