‘Crimson Fields’ – In The Ballroom on Wednesday 14th June

The June edition of ‘In The Ballroom’ at the Court House on Wednesday 14th will feature a talk by David Bardell about the medical teams who served on the Western Front in WW1.

Entitled ‘Crimson Fields’, the illustrated talk will describe what faced the doctors, nurses and orderlies who went to France with the troops. 

Having retired from a career in IT and Business Project Management, David has built up a strong knowledge and interest in military history and has visited France and Belgium each year to research his special interest in WW1. 

After the talk beginning at 2pm, there will be the usual tea, coffee and cake served by volunteers, and Helen’s brain-teasing picture quiz. It costs just £3 per person to include the refreshments, (cash on the door please).

Numbers must be limited, so it’s important to reserve your place at the Visitor Information Centre in the Jury Street Court House, or ring them on 01926 492212