Drama at Law School Open Day

As part of a collaboration with Warwick University, our second dramatisation based on real cases from the mid-19th century was performed in the Woods Scawen lecture theatre during the School of Law Open Day on 29th April. 

Students and staff took some of the parts, and members of the audience found themselves being accused of drunkenness and vandalism, and sentenced to the stocks or the feared House of Correction. It’s hoped that the law students will research write and perform their own re-enactments of past cases, to help to bring to life their studies into the development of the British judicial systems. 

Here are some pictures of the performance at the Warwick University Open Day.

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Pictures from second courtroom drama at the university
Members of the audience found themselves accused of drunkenness and vandalism

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Pictures of university drama
Unlocking Warwick volunteers, students and staff recreated real cases heard in Warwick in 1851
Pictures of drama
‘I was drugged, then robbed!’