Games in the Garden with Strawberries to follow
On July 25th, our monthly Games Afternoon with tea began in Pageant Garden behind the Court House in sunny weather.
Vintage Skittles proved very popular, and Quoits developed into a men v women contest. Peter’s amazing score of 100 with just four hoops secured a win for the men, but the women were to take their revenge at Jenga, removing lots of wooden blocks before the tower collapsed.
Sue and Helen had provided some delicious fruit cordials, and when all had repaired to the ballroom for tea, there were bowls of strawberries and cream, and home-made Bakewell tart squares. All for just £2.00 per person.
The afternoon was rounded off with some indoor games of yahtzee and dominoes, with plenty of time to chat. The guests all said they had enjoyed the afternoon enormously, and promised to tell their friends so that more might turn up next time – Tuesday August 22nd at 2pm. Spread the word!
The Court House Games Afternoons on the fourth Tuesday of the month are organised by Unlocking Warwick for Warwick Town Council.