In The Ballroom July 13th – Change of Plan.

Join us for the Big Summer Afternoon Quiz

The speaker arranged for our social gathering ‘In The Ballroom’ on Wednesday 13th July, Christine Ramsey, has caught Covid-19. So the talk and demonstration on Everlasting Flowers has had to be postponed. 

Instead we’ll be running The Big Summer Afternoon Quiz! Tables will  be competing against each other with several rounds of questions with different themes. So get your thinking-caps on!

There will also be the usual tea, coffee and cake, and plenty of time to chat. ‘In The Ballroom’ at the Jury Street Court House will be from 2pm to 4pm, and costs just £3 to include the refreshments. (Cash on the door please)

It is important to reserve your place in advance by popping into the Visitor Information Centre, or phoning them on 01926 492212.