Pictures of January Dance Lessons

It was Strictly Court House on 9th January when the first ‘Tea and Dance Lessons’ of 2018 took place in the ballroom. Below are a few pictures.

Guests were introduced to the Social Foxtrot (‘forward – forward – side – together’) by tutors Chris and Barbara from Majestic Dance, and also enjoyed learning some other classic ballroom dances.  

These sessions will take place on the second Tuesday of each month at 2pm in the Jury Street Court House. No experience is required and you don’t have to come with a partner. There’s plenty of time to chat and meet new friends. The cost is just £2.50 per person to cover the cost of interval refreshments – tea or coffee and some nice cake.

Dancing is great for keeping you fit, helping balance and flexibility. The Court House sessions are not particularly strenuous and guests can do as much or as little as they want. 

‘Tea and Dance Lessons in the Ballroom’ is organised by Warwick Town Council with help from the Unlocking Warwick volunteers. If you know of someone who might enjoy this relaxed get-together, let them know that they can turn up on the second Tuesday of each month and will be sure of a warm welcome.