Spring Newsletter

The Unlocking Warwick quarterly newsletter for Spring has now been issued to members and supporters of the volunteer group. You can see it here: Newsletter Spring 2018

It is designed to bring everyone up to date with the recent work of Unlocking Warwick, the Town Council’s volunteer group based at the Court House/Town Hall, and looks ahead to the activities we are planning for later in the year.

These include a new project to tell the stories of the 358 young people from Warwick  who were killed in World War I and whose names are on the war memorial in Church Street. A special website is being devised. There will be more details when the website is launched this spring, marking the centenary of the 1918 Armistice. 

The monthly social gathering ‘In the Ballroom’ has some interesting speakers and activities planned throughout the year, and there will be more free Court House Tours introducing visitors to Warwick’s history, starting on March 31st at the Easter weekend.

And looking ahead to the summer there will be a Summer Country Dance in the ballroom on July 20th. If you would like to join our volunteer group, email Secretary Rick Thompson on info@unlockingwarwick.org