The Orient Express Story

The August edition of the tea-and-talk social ‘In The Ballroom’ on Wednesday 9th was treated to a fascinating presentation by Bill Devitt – all about The Orient Express.

He explained that in 1978 he had been asked to organise the revival of the famous rail route from London and Paris to Venice and Istanbul. After an eventful few years travelling around Europe to find some of the old luxury coaches that could be restored, the railway resumed service in 1983 – the centenary of its first operations. 

Bill’s talk had started with the origins of rail travel in Europe and America, with some great photographs of early locos and passenger cars. 

After the talk there was tea, coffee and cake provided by the Unlocking Warwick volunteers, and Helen Fellows had devised a picture-quiz based on transport. There was a four-way tie-break to decide the winner. 

‘In The Ballroom’ happens at the Jury Street Court House at 2pm on the second Wednesday of each month. It is organised by Unlocking Warwick, the Court House volunteers. Numbers have to  be limited, so please reserve your place at the Visitor Information  Centre, or call them on 01926 492212. It costs just £3 per person to include the refreshments.  

The next session of ‘In The Ballroom’ will be on Wednesday September 13th, when Roger Butler will be telling us the story of the Midlands’ canals.