Volunteers needed at the Court House in Warwick

Have you some time to spare and skills to share?

Would you like to be an ‘Unlocking Warwick’ Volunteer?

The Unlocking Warwick Project is bringing to life the recently refurbished Court House in Jury Street by staging community events in its splendid regency ballroom to celebrate Warwick’s rich heritage.

If you are fascinated by Warwick’s history and have ideas on how to make the Court House an exciting hub of the community, join our Volunteer Group!

This might involve – helping in the Tourist Information Centre – conducting guided tours – performing in dramatic reconstructions – raising the profile of the project – or simply providing general support at community events. It’s an opportunity to develop your own skills and to make new friends.

For more information or to apply to join the team, contact Francis Godwin, Secretary Unlocking Warwick Volunteer Group

frangodwin@www.unlockingwarwick.org  07939 368691

Application forms can be picked up from the Information Centre in the Court House, or downloaded from www.unlockingwarwick.org and returned to: Francis Godwin, The Court House, Jury Street, Warwick CV34 4EW