What Do Warwick’s Street Names Mean?

Unlocking Warwick’s Christmas Tree at this year’s tree festival in St. Mary’s is decorated with pictures of some of Warwick’s streets and their intriguing names. 

What are the stories behind the names, and why have some changed over the years?  Gina Tipton has been researching the streets of Warwick at the County Record Office and using old maps. 

Click on the link here to see all the street names featured on the tree, and perhaps to find your own street. Xmas Tree 2023 Cards For Website

Here are three examples:  

If you know more about the origins of some of the names, email: info@unlockingwarwick.org  

The St. Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival with more than 60 trees decorated by local groups, will open on November 23rd, Warwick Victorian Evening, and can be visited every day until December 3rd.