What’s in a Name? March 11th

Do you know where your surname comes from? Some have obvious origins; others are more obscure.

This month’s edition of the social gathering, ‘In The Ballroom’, on Wednesday 11th March, will feature a talk by the writer, historian and entertaining speaker, Anthony Poulton-Smith, who has produced countless books about midlands history, and in particular the origin of place names, pub names and surnames. 

And after the talk in which Anthony will try to answer your questions about your names, there will be a picture-quiz based on the names of notable people, plus the usual tea, coffee, cake and time to chat. 

‘In The Ballroom’ takes place in the Jury Street Court House from 2pm to 4pm on the second Wednesday of the month.  It costs just £2.50 to include the refreshments, and there’s no need to book; just turn up.