What’s On in Warwick update

Planning has started for a Guy of Warwick Carnival at the end of May. Details next month.

The Unlocking Warwick long term calendar of local events – What’s On in Warwick at a Glance – has been updated for March, looking ahead approximately 6 months. 


The What’s On can always be viewed on this website under Events, and a link to it is also posted on the official Visit Warwick website where it gets nearly 3,000 views each month. 

There are a great many events happening this year in Warwick for local residents and visitors to enjoy. And there are plans afoot to revive the Warwick Carnival at the end of May, themed on the Guy of Warwick legend.  See the What’s On for the information so far. 

If you have an event in Warwick that you would like included, please send information well in advance to whatson@unlockingwarwick.org