What’s On March update published

The March update of ‘What’s On in Warwick – at a Glance’ has now been published on this website (go to the What’s On tab in the Events section for a link) and there will also be a link on the Town Council’s official Visit Warwick website. www.visitwarwick.co.uk

It’s a long term list of events which might be of interest to visitors or residents. The new edition looks ahead 9 months, and runs to seven pages, with phone numbers or websites for more information about each event.  

There’s always plenty to do in Warwick. As well as events at the castle and the racecourse, there are concerts, special workshops at the museums, tours of historic Warwick, farmers’ markets, gardening events, and the regular major annual events including the Folk Festival, the Mop Fair, The Beer Festival, and the Warwick Words History Festival. 

If you know of an event which may be of interest to the general public, send details well in advance to whatson@unlockingwarwick.org  The Unlocking Warwick stand at the Warwick ‘Show and Tell’ weekend
