Planning Future Activities
At a meeting of the Unlocking Warwick volunteers at the Court House on 29th May, David Kelham confirmed that his year as Chairman had come to an end. He and his colleague Sue Sanders were thanked warmly for keeping the group organised.
With no one able to take on the roles of Chair or Secretary, it means our activities will be run in a slightly different way, with leaders of the various sub-groups continuing to arrange the regular community activities that are much appreciated by those who attend.
And the Manager of the Visitor Information Centre, Liz Healey, has taken on the role of coordinating events as necessary, and liaising with the Town Council. She will arrange occasional meetings of the volunteers.

Unlocking Warwick will be celebrating 10 years of community activities this summer. Watch out for a picture-exhibition to be opened in the Visitor Centre on 17th July, showing a decade of activities including talks and teas in the ballroom, dance lessons, table top games afternoons, dramatic reconstructions of Victorian court cases, Christmas Regency balls, Court House Tours, and the War Memorial Project finding the stories behind the names on the plaques.