It was a full house once again for the October edition of ‘In The Ballroom’ on 9th. Gina Tipton writes:
“A fascinating talk yesterday in the ballroom about a journey along the famous Silk Road, taking in Nepal, Tibet, the “Stans” and China, following the route of Marco Polo in the 15th century.
Roger Butler told us about the Nepalese obsession with flip-flops, the communal chopsticks he had to use in the local ‘restaurants’, the giant sand dunes, a huge lake that never dries up and the oases that were used to supply the camel caravans along the route.
We heard of the stunning Lhasa winter palace from where the Dalai Lama was forced to flee in the 1950s, and saw pictures of the Kashgar Sunday market which sells everything from live chickens to the beautiful silks after which the route is named.
The quiz was suitably geography-based and the usual tea and cake was provided.”
Here are some of the pictures Roger showed from his travels.
‘In The Ballroom’ takes place in the Jury Street Court House on the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm, and costs just £3 for the tea and cake, the talk and the picture-quiz. It is a very popular afternoon, so you must reserve your place at the Visitor Information Centre: 01926 492212