Ready for the drama on 9th April

Rehearsals have gone well for the courtroom drama to be performed by Unlocking Warwick in the Jury Street Court House on Saturday April 9th.
The volunteers will be joined by the Town Crier and a couple of Town Councillors who will help to recreate real court cases that were heard in the building in the mid-19th century. Some parts will be played by students from Warwick University School of Law.
And some members of the audience might find themselves accused of drunkenness or vandalism, and facing time in the stocks or the feared House of Correction. The Warwick Petty Sessions were a popular entertainment, so feel free to heckle or jeer if you think the sentences are too harsh – or too lenient.
The action starts in the ballroom at 2.30pm and will last for about half an hour. It’s free to attend, so it might be a good idea to get there early to be sure of getting a seat.