Town Council Community Committee
At the invitation of the Town Council, Unlocking Warwick’s Rick Thompson gave a presentation of the work of the Unlocking Warwick volunteer group to the Community and Cultural Committee on 16th March at the Court House. He summarised the group’s activities to date, and the plans for future actions to bring people together in the heart of Warwick, encourage more visitors and reveal the town’s rich heritage.

The Committee Chairman, Cllr Mrs. Christine Cross expressed warm appreciation of Unlocking Warwick’s commitment to the town, and said the Town Council is keen to work closely with the volunteers to expand community activities in the restored Court House.
The Community Engagement Officer, Fran Godwin had also been invited to address the committee, and outlined his plans for a range of activities to improve the social lives of local people, and was bidding for grant funding from various sources to be able to carry them out later in the year.